V P R Sivakumar
SRM University, India
Title: Growth of physiotherapy in India in the last 2 decades – My perspective
Biography: V P R Sivakumar
India is a country that is well-known for its cultural, traditional and ethnical diversity. Mostly the Indian population believes in traditional forms of treatments and home based remedies with rich ancestral values. A culture with such a strongly influencing traditional code for its health Management could not easily accept the entry of a totally different form of treatment base. So, the transition towards complete acceptance (One could even term it as a perfect “transition Phase”) has not been easier. The treatment of physiotherapy with its strong scientific base in its remedial and rehabilitative measures was a definitive need then. Of course there were times of inconsistent pattern in the growth trajectory of the profession. As technological transformation gained a substantial entry into the field of health related management, a parallel understanding of the tenets of physiotherapy among the populace came in as a natural factor. As a professional who has been witnessing the growth of the profession in its entirety, it is an overwhelming feel of contentment to me.