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Sahebozamani Mansour

Sahebozamani Mansour

Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran

Title: The acute effects of different types of common ankle orthosis on balance after functional fatigue: A study on volleyball players with unstable ankle grade I and II


Biography: Sahebozamani Mansour


Epidemiological studies have shown that 10–28% of all sports injuries are ankle sprains, leading to the longest absence from athletic activity compared to other types of injuries. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of external ankle supports in the prevention of inversion ankle sprains andidentify which type of ankle support was superior to the other after functional fatigue. Fifteen men volleyball players (18-23 years) with unstable ankle grade I and II were recruited. They had at least 3 years experience of playing in different volleyball leagues. Four testing conditions included a no orthosis, Neoprene ankleorthosis, lace-up ankle orthosis, and Aircast ankle orthosis. Postural control test (single leg stability testing in difficult level of 12) was performed by Biodex Balance System after functional fatigue. The results show that the overall index of postural control had a significant decrease while applying either type of ankle orthoses. According to the obtained results, all three types of ankle orthoses could improve postural control (P<0.05). Neoprene ankle orthosis was more efficient than lace-up and Aircast ankle orthoses (P<0.05). Although the lace-up orthosis was more effective than Aircast ankle orthosis in ankle stability, the difference was not obviously significant (P>0.05). Consequently, in athletes with unstable ankle, allof types of ankle orthosis could prevent ankle sprain via improving the postural control index. Especially in volleyball players with unstable ankle grade I and IIafter functional fatigue.