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Jacek Karski

Jacek Karski

Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland

Title: New tests in screening of the so called idiopathic scoliosis: Rules of prophylaxis, new treatment, results


Biography: Jacek Karski


New tests for scoliosis and new exercises were invented for therapy we used during 1985/1995. In the diagnosis of so-called idiopathic scoliosis, we should use widely known old tests such as Adams & Meyer test and symmetry or asymmetry of waist test, but also new tests like – the side bending test for scoliosis, a test checking the habit of standing ‘at ease’– the right versus the left leg, Dunkan Elly - test, pelvis rotation test (a new test since 2006), the adduction of hips test (similar to Ober test) and many other tests presented in the lecture. List of tests include: 1) Bending test for scoliosis - Adams/Meyer test and Flexion test/bent spine. If the shape is round it is good, if stiff and straight, it shows the beginning of scoliosis; 2) Side bending test for scoliosis (bending to the left and to the right leg during standing in abduction), also called Karski or Lublin test, it is a modified Adams/Meyer test – more sensible as Adams test; 3) Rotation movements of the body test (new test since 2006); 4) Permanent standing ‘at ease’ test – checking the right versus the left leg. The children with scoliosis stand only/mostly on the right leg. Important “cumulative time of standing”; 5) The symmetry or asymmetry of the waist test (an old test, but still very important); 6) Presence of an illnesses (e.g. rickets), which increase oncoming of scoliosis; 7) Anatomical anomalies of the spine (spina biffida occulta, pectus infundibuliforme, pectus carinatum). If present – rapid progression of scoliosis like in acceleration period of growths (confirmation of biomechanical aetiology); 8) Body build type - asthenic and picnic (bad), athletic (good); 9) Willingness to participate in sports, if yes - good, if no - bad. New rehabilitations exercises/new treatment results include proper solution to the problem of scoliosis is an early prophylactics. The new rehabilitation exercises should remove the contracture in the pelvis, the hips and in the whole spine. The flexion - rotation exercises should be introduced/performed by very young children, already with 3 and 4 years of age. It is also important to change the standing, sitting and sleeping positions. The “stretching exercises” typical for “far – east sports” like karate, tae-kwondo, aikido, kung fu are very profitable for therapy and prophylaxis. The results of such treatment has proved beneficial in years 1985 – 2015. The lecture present example and results of new therapy.