Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Erdal Zorba

Balkan & Turkey Sport for All Federation, Turkey Gazi University, Turkey

Title: Increasing awareness about sport via Sport for All in Turkey

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Deborah Walker

California State University, USA

Title: Comparing Low Upper Trapezius to Lower Trapezius Ratio Exercises, with Cued Electrical Stimulation to Exercises and Sham Stimulation, for a Motor Learning Effects in Scapular Dyskinesis

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Il-Tae Jang

Nanoori Hospital, Korea

Title: Morphological trends of cervical alignment and the correlation between range of motion (ROM) on cervical spine x-ray and pre-operative outcomes in 298 patients underwent cervical spinal surgeries

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

B J Lehecka

Wichita State University, USA

Title: Correlations and normative data of gluteal strength and endurance

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Alex Anzelmo

University of Hertfordshire, UK

Title: A study on superficial and deep blood flow alterations elicited with physical therapeutic modalities in healthy human subjects

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Bhalerao Gajanan

Sancheti Healthcare Academy, India

Title: Inter-rater reliability of the kinematics and temporal parameters of gait in normal paediatric population using digital goniometry and cinematography

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Pei-Yu Su

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Title: Effects of perturbation-based balance training on bone mineral content in older adults with osteopenia

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Jo-En Chien

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Title: Changes in balance control during walking after eight-week dynamic perturbation training in older adults

Biography Abstract